change that sticks.

Life can be…prickly.
In the desert, a cactus thrives without relying on too much from the outside. (Fun fact: Some cacti can live up to two years without water!) I came up with the name Cactus Couch for my counseling practice because I like to think about therapy as a comfortable place to sort through the uncomfortable. Here, together, we’ll grow somewhat like the cactus by navigating deep within to become more self-reliant and happy from the inside.
Hi, I’m Lauren!
Have we met? If not, let’s get to know each other.
“Lauren is an amazing mental health professional who has personally helped me grow and process my traumas. lauren provides exceptional service, a wonderful environment of care and compassion and profound insights into personal growth and healing. lauren will continue to be my therapist for as long as possible. i would love to recommend her services to anyone.”